Bringing over 25 years of experience to providing you with sound, reliable financial advice to help you achieve financial independence and peace of mind.

Chris Getzlaf

Financial Advisor

Chris and the team at CG Wealth Management pride themselves on being very approachable and are committed to exceptional customer service. We bring together experts in many dif...

Judi Thiessen

Executive Assistant

As an Executive Assistant for Glen Koshman and Chris Getzlaf, Judi focuses on the clients’ experience and their relationship with the advisors. Judi joined IPC Regina in Janua...


Chris Getzlaf

Financial Advisor

Chris and the team at CG Wealth Management pride themselves on being very approachable and are committed to exceptional customer service. We bring together experts in many different disciplines and specialties to solve problems and identify new opportunities. We take to heart the process of building wealth and providing you and your family with an array of financial services to help you live your dreams. We strive to ensure that those dreams, goals and aspirations become a reality; hence our mission statement “Your Future is our Business.”

Chris has a degree in Business from the University of Regina with a double major in Finance and Marketing. He is strong and determined to continually improve in everything that he is involved in. He is committed to exceptional customer service and prides himself on being very personable.

Chris lives year round with his wife Tia, in Regina, where they both have lived all their lives. In January 2018, Chris retired from an 11 year professional football career in the CFL. He grew up very involved in numerous sports in the city including, hockey, baseball, soccer, golf and football. Chris worked with the Red Cross in the community to help put a stop to bullying for several years while playing in the CFL.


Insurance products available through Chris Getzlaf

Judi Thiessen

Executive Assistant

As an Executive Assistant for Glen Koshman and Chris Getzlaf, Judi focuses on the clients’ experience and their relationship with the advisors. Judi joined IPC Regina in January of 2016 as an administrative assistant and client service specialist – becoming an executive assistant in September 2016. She provides direction and day to day leadership to IPC Regina operational functions.

Prior to joining the team, Judi had been working in the financial industry for over 30 years. Starting in 1985, she worked with a leading insurance company – in the Brandon, MB branch office – where she was promoted to office supervisor in 1988. In 1996, Judi transferred to the Regina branch office to continue her role as office supervisor. She became the office administrator with Discovery Financial Group (Regina office) in 1999.

Through her years in the industry, Judi earned the ACS (Associate, Customer Service) and AIAA (Associate, Insurance Agency Administration) designations. Most recently, she successfully completed her Canadian Investment Funds and Labour Sponsored Investment Funds courses – both with the IFSE Institute.

Judi is originally from Brandon, MB and has been in Regina for over 20 years. In her free time, she enjoys travelling; photography; reading and spending time with her family and friends.

Our Consultants


Supporting the communities within which we work

At IPC, we built IPC Cares to bring together the various efforts we make towards enhancing the communities within which we operate. By adopting causes that are close to our hearts, we keep ourselves committed and accountable.

Last year alone, as a company, we supported the aid efforts on the Fort McMurray fires, palliative care through The Healing Cycle Foundation and women and children through The Salvation Army.

Perhaps the most significant effort we undertake, and one that we believe is representative of the kind of work that inspires and keeps us committed to our CSR efforts, is the community development project in Honduras with The Carpenteros & Friends. Last year’s project involved a group of IPC staff and Advisors volunteering their time and energy on the ground. Very little is as inspiring and rewarding as living the lives of the people you’re helping, and every one of the people who took the journey came back a changed person, even more determined to stay committed to making a difference in the world!

We also made countless small but significant contributions of our time and resources within our communities through many grassroots charities we believe in, and the ripple effect of their efforts are always rewarding.